Pre-emption and Repurchase Rights Certificate

This certificate is necessary for the notarial signing. By presenting this document, the notary will be able to proceed with the sale. Please call us, and we will prepare it for you in a very short time to be ready for the notarial appointment. 


The cost of the certificate is 120 euros plus VAT.



Pre-emption Right: This right is exercised before the property is transferred, meaning before the projected transaction is completed. The conditions of the initial offer must be respected.

Repurchase Right: This right is exercised after the property has already been transferred. In this case, the completed transaction is annulled, and the holder of the right pays the same price that was agreed upon in the original transaction.

What does it mean for the Generalitat to hold pre-emption and repurchase rights over a property?

For the Generalitat to hold pre-emption and repurchase rights over a property means that, in the event that the property is to be transferred (through sale, donation, etc.), the Generalitat has the priority to acquire it before any other interested party.

Which properties are subject to pre-emption and repurchase rights?

Properties subject to these rights are protected housing, provided their protection regime includes it. Additionally, certain types of free-market housing will also be specifically affected when certain conditions related to transfer operations are met (known as singular transfer situations).

Who must notify the transfer of a property subject to pre-emption and repurchase rights?

There are two parties responsible for notification, each at different times:

  • First, before the transfer is made, the owner of the property subject to pre-emption and repurchase rights must notify the intention to make the transfer.
  • Second, once the transfer is completed, the new acquirer of the property subject to these rights must notify the completed operation.

Technical Reports and Certificates in Spain

Certificate of 2nd occupancy, Certificate of end of construction, Technical inspection of buildings (ITE), Property appraisal, Electrical report, Acoustic certificate, Energy efficiency certificate, Certificate of age and/or existence.  

Arcostec has many years of experience and a great reputation in the market. We cooperate with numerous real estate agencies, law firms and notaries and we are always ready to provide our services to our esteemed clients. 

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