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Penalties for homes without an energy certificate
When in mid-2013, the law made it mandatory for all homes that were sold or rented to have an energy certificate, experts already warned that the application would not be widespread until the fines arrived. Well, that time has come. The handling of t...
26 February 2024 | Документация
Legalization of swimming pools
Building a swimming pool without a building permit is a common case that happens when, due to unknown or badly informed swimming pool contractors, we do not apply for a building permit in advance at our local town hall.
18 June 2021 | Документация
Construction license in Spain
A construction license is a permitting document that is required to carry out construction work in Spain. It confirms that the licensee has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to carry out construction work and comply with all safety requi...
11 April 2024 | Документация