Building a new home or major renovation of an existing one requires the participation of design professionals and an experienced construction team.  In Spain, as well as in Russia, an architectural design and coordination with the urban planning department of the city in whose territory the facility is located is required. But there are many differences, both in the process of obtaining a municipal license and in the architectural design. The most frequently asked questions are answered by Russian-speaking specialists from the architectural bureau “ARCOSTEC

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Who takes part in the design and subsequent construction?

We will try to briefly answer this broad question by listing all the participants in order:

  • Customer (Promotor): person interested in construction or repair, initiator of the process
  • Architect (Arquitecto): author and director of the project, chief responsible for the design architectural part
  • City authorities  (Administración): the authority that determines urban planning legislation, on which the receipt of a completion license or permit for construction work depends
  • Aparejador (Arquitecto técnico): Spanish equivalent of the “Civil Engineer”, co-author of the project, construction director, responsible for the execution of work on site
  • Engineers (Ingenieros): professionals responsible for engineering installations: connection, configuration, startup
  • Laboratory and technical expertise (Laboratorio): an organization that analyzes the materials used before, during and after construction
  • Technical supervision and quality control (Entidad de control - OCT): a registered company with official government accreditation, responsible for monitoring the construction being carried out, the compliance of materials with the project and acting as an “independent third party”
  • Contractor (Contratista): an individual or legal entity carrying out construction according to a previously approved estimate according to an architectural project
  • Insurance company (Compañía de seguros): guarantee of quality of work both for the entire period of construction and after its completion for 10 years. Without her participation, it is not possible to issue a commissioning certificate
  • Notary (Notario): draws up changes on the site and includes them in the bill of sale. Based on the documents signed by him, changes are made in the property register
  • Property register  (Registro de propie-dad): responsible person for issuing a real estate passport with all its specifications

What does a Spanish architectural project consist of and what are its stages?

Unlike Russia, a Spanish architectural project includes engineering calculations and drawings, such as load-bearing elements and frame, plumbing, electricity, telecommunications and others. He is often called a worker or “executive.”

In general, six stages of the project can be distinguished:

  • Study of urban planning standards and customer wishes (Estudio proyecto): before you start designing the house of your dreams, you need to clearly understand what exactly Do you want and what is possible to build according to the municipal authorities
  • Preliminary or pre-project (Antepro-yecto) : reference to the area, masonry drawings of floors and facades, as well as a brief description of the project. Based on this proposal, local authorities notify in writing that they are “not against it,” and the customer confirms the final project to the architect
  • Basic design (Proyecto básico): design without detailed drawings of finishing, building elements, infrastructure and engineering installations. Description of the project with a feasibility study, but without calculation of load-bearing elements and without justification for compliance with the building code. This stage is used to request a construction license
  • Executive or working project (Pro- yecto de Ejecución): the final architectural design with all necessary detailed explanations, drawings and technical justifications. Submitted to the mayor's office to obtain a license and serves as a subject for insurance. Also, based on the final project, the customer  can announce a tender for the development company and compare the estimates provided to him
  • Control and construction management (Dirección de Obra): supervising construction from start to finish, making changes to the project and schedule if necessary
  • Commissioning (Final de obra) : certificate of completion of construction, which is submitted to the notary along with all technical documentation accumulated during construction work

How much does an architectural project cost with all its stages?

According to the weight and content of each of the listed stages, the following proportional relationship can be determined

  • Research and collection of information: 5%
  • Preliminary draft: 10%
  • Base project: 30%
  • Executive project: 30%
  • Construction control: 20%
  • Commissioning: 5%

As for the cost, it is difficult to give a specific figure, because... There are many determining factors, and competition also causes sufficient fluctuations in price.  On average, the cost of the project depends on the construction estimate and is 5% of its cost

Who to contact and how to choose the right professional?

All architects and engineers must be members of an appropriate board and have professional insurance. You also need to make sure that they are not suspended from professional activities; you can do this by asking them for the appropriate certificate.

Contact Arkostek, the first consultation is free!

Architectural and engineering projects, electrical installation projects, design solutions for every taste, submission and presentation of all types of municipal licenses, technical certificates, construction control, turnkey construction of all types of real estate. Contact the professionals. More than 12 years of experience in the construction, architectural and design sectors.

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