Specialists of the company "ARCOSTEC" ; Very often they ask about what documents are needed to legally open a business (restaurant). What is noteworthy is that more and more of our compatriots want to open a restaurant business legally, in accordance with all regulations, so let’s look a little at the necessary documentation.

License to open a restaurant business in Spain

Since the restaurant business is recognized under Spanish law as a place of public gathering, it is subject to more stringent requirements, including a license to open a business. So to open a restaurant you will need:

  • Project for the opening of a commercial premises (Performed by an architect registered with the relevant professional board)
  • Electrical bulletin to increase power consumption in accordance with legal regulations (Performed by an electrician authorized by the electric company)
  • Premises electrification project, signed by a certified engineer and electronically verified by the relevant professional board.
  • Independent examination of electricity (since the person performing the design and installation of electrical equipment cannot be the person performing control premises, this inspection must be carried out by independent experts), in Spanish "OCA eléctrica"
  • Independent examination of an acoustic engineer (The same as for electricity, there must be an independent company), in Spanish "OCA acústica"
  • Contract for the supply and proper maintenance of fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment (if any)
  • Lawful civil liability insurance (depending on the maximum capacity of visitors), in Spanish " Seguro RC"
  • Municipal tax due to the mayor's office (tasa municipal), after payment of which all of the above documents are submitted to the urban planning department City Hall to obtain the appropriate license.

I would also like to mention that the owner of the restaurant must be either an administrator of S.L. (a company registered in Spain), or be "trabajador autónomo" (self-employed entrepreneur), since the city hall asks for supporting documents when submitting. If you are such a legal entity, you must request these documents from your assessor (the manager of your documentation). The situation changes from year to year; previously, in the absence of any document, it could be conveyed after some time; now they require a complete package, and in the absence of at least one of the documents, officials turn the applicant back.

It is worth noting that we take care of the full preparation, submission and the entire process associated with the opening of a commercial premises, in order to thus free the owner from bureaucratic hassle and possible delays associated with under-submission of documents, which will ultimately make itself felt when the issuance of a license is delayed. Trust the company’s professionals!

The estimate provided by our company includes an architectural design for the opening, electrification of the restaurant with a bulletin and two independent examinations, this amount does not include civil liability insurance or a contract with a fire safety service provider (fire extinguishers, etc.)

You can leave a request via the feedback form and our Russian-speaking specialists will contact you as soon as possible to clarify details and questions related to opening a restaurant business in Spain.

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