Certificate of Technical Compliance – it is an official document confirming that a product, material or service meets the requirements of the regulatory and technical standards established in Spain. This certificate is an important tool to ensure the quality and safety of products and services, as well as to protect consumer rights.

Why is it important to obtain a certificate of technical conformity?

  1. Quality Assurance: A Certificate of Technical Conformity ensures that products or services meet high quality standards, thereby increasing business credibility and customer satisfaction.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Spain has strict laws and regulations governing the quality and safety of products and services. Obtaining a certificate of technical compliance allows your business to meet these requirements and avoid fines and legal problems.

  3. Consumer Protection: A Certificate of Technical Conformity gives consumers confidence that the products or services they purchase meet high standards of quality and safety.

Certificate of Technical Compliance Spain/Torrevieja

For those who buy property in Spain, among other things, it is important to know that there is a document called “cédula de ocupación” or "cédula de habitabilidad". This certificate of technical conformity is considered one of the most important documents related to real estate in Spain. But what is it and why is it needed?

"Cédula de habitabilidad" is a document issued by the local mayor's office, which confirms that the property complies with all building codes and requirements for residential buildings. It also certifies the presence of all necessary communications and infrastructure at the facility (transport access, sewerage, water supply, electricity).

Certificate of technical complianceWhy is this certificate needed? According to Spanish law, every developer is required to provide this document along with a building license and an architectural certificate when selling a new building. This document serves as confirmation of the compliance of the property with the approved construction project and is also necessary to connect the building to communications. Failure of the developer to provide the certificate may be grounds for cancellation of the property purchase agreement.

It is worth noting that in the past this certificate was only required for transactions with new buildings. Currently, in Spain, as a rule, not a single transaction for the purchase or sale of housing is concluded without its presence. However, obtaining a copy of the certificate for buildings that have been in operation for a long time can be problematic, since this will require contacting the city hall archives. Sometimes some realtors neglect to obtain this certificate, considering it unnecessary. However, most banks issuing mortgages require this document, so it is advisable that it be provided by the buyer.

Those who are planning to rent out housing should remember that having this certificate is a prerequisite for obtaining a tourist license in many Spanish autonomies.

Is it obligatory for those who are going to buy real estate in Spain to have this certificate? It should be understood that "cédula de habitabilidad" has a limited validity period. Currently, upon initial occupancy of housing, it is issued for 25 years, and for repeated requests - for 15 years. But it should be remembered that if the property owner carries out renovation work, as a result of which the area of the house or other key parameters change, the document will need to be reissued.

What happens if the certificate has expired and the owner does not apply to the mayor's office for a new document? In principle, there is no obligation to renew it after expiration. However, if the owner decides to sell the property or obtain an energy certificate, then this document will be required. It will also be required for rental housing.

To obtain the "cédula de habitabilidad" You should contact a college of architects, where a specialist will familiarize yourself with the property and take the necessary measurements. Based on the information received, a conclusion will be made about the suitability of the house or apartment for living. After this, the owner is given two copies of the certificate, one of which must be submitted to the mayor's office.

Obtaining a certificate of technical conformity in Torrevieja

Our company offers professional services for obtaining a certificate of technical conformity in Torrevieja. We have experience and expertise in the field of certification and are ready to assist you in the process of obtaining the necessary certificate for your business or product.

Our services include:

  • Certification Consulting: We provide advice on all issues related to the process of obtaining a certificate of technical conformity, including requirements, procedures and necessary documents.

  • Documentation preparation: Our team will help you prepare the necessary documentation and application forms to obtain a certificate of technical conformity in accordance with the requirements of Spanish law.

  • Representation before certification bodies: We provide representation services before certification bodies, including representing your interests and ensuring compliance with all procedures and requirements.

Don't put off ensuring the quality and safety of your business until later. Contact us today for professional assistance in obtaining a technical compliance certificate in Torrevieja and ensuring the success of your business!

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